lundi, janvier 16, 2006


La douleur de l'âme est trop vive. N'importe quelle douleur physique me ferai du bien.
Je ne trouve plus de force, ni même d'éspoir.
Je me précipite vers le bas et toutes les parois sont lisses et glissantes. Rien pour m'accrocher.
Pardon Trognon et Citron.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ouh la moi pas contente!
Je sais que c'est difficile ce que tu vis, et c'est normal d'être mal, de souffrir. Tu es un être humain!
Mais ne baisse pas les bras.
Je t'aime très fort!
Je suis là si t'as besoin.
Ta Petite Fraise

Kev a dit…

Groseille, I think, and I hope, that deep down you love life, as you love your Trognon and Citron.

I have had times when, seriously, everything has seemed too much, and there seemed little point in continuing. But remember there are people who love you, and there are people who need you. Your daughters need their mummy. No-one else can be the person you are to them. You find love very important, and I think that you must be very good at loving people. You are having such a hard time right now; just from glimpses of your life on your blog, I know that. But there will be someone else out there for you, I am sure of it. Maybe not immediately, but in time. And I'm certain that those friends who surround you now care about you deeply too.

I hope you can hold on to things like that at this most difficult time. I know I have had to sometimes. All I can do is send you my very best wishes, in the hope that this year will bring you good things.

Hang on in there...